Weddings, Elopements, Portraits, Boudoir & Pets
Vibrant, Fun, Timeless... Photography
It's not about the camera, that's just a tool, it’s about using your eye, & light to capture the moment. We love meeting & working with people & yes furry friends are welcome too. Nothing beats adventures with your best friend... always great to be able to capture a few of those moments for our clients. You want vibrant, light-filled images that won't just look amazing today but hold up for years to come... always proud when we look at images we shot from the past & still feel like they stand the test of time. You also want images that not only reflect your love for one another but showcase spirit and the pure beauty of the landscape. With us, as your photographers, you'll find all of that, & more!
“Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.”
-George Eastman, founder of Kodak
"When you love someone you trade souls with them. They get a piece of yours, & you get a piece of theirs."
— Sam Elliott